Several months ago SmartNews released a more precise and dynamic local news channel for all our US Edition users. The new Local channel is just to the left of the Top tab.
If you share your location with the SmartNews application, the news will always be relevant to your location, everytime you check SmartNews. Alternatively, you can also enter your zip code, which will fix your location to your selected locale rather than having it change depending on where you are at any given moment. To take advantage of this new Local News feature, make sure to update your SmartNews app to the most recent version of SmartNews (at least iOS : 6.2.5 or Android : 5.5.12), tap the Local tab next to Top and follow the directions to share your location.
These are the legacy city channels that will be removed:
ABQ-Santa Fe | Honolulu | Philadelphia |
Alaska | Houston | Phoenix |
Atlanta | Indianapolis | Pittsburgh |
Austin | Jacksonville | Portland, OR |
Baltimore | Kansas City | Raleigh-Durham |
Boston | Las Vegas | Richmond |
Buffalo | Little Rock | Sacramento |
Central Alabama | Los Angeles | Salt Lake City |
Central Valley | Louisville | San Antonio |
Charlotte | Madison | San Diego |
Chicago | Memphis | Seattle |
Cincinnati | Miami | SF Bay Area |
Cleveland | Milwaukee | St. Louis |
Columbus | Minneapolis | Tampa Bay |
Dallas | Nashville | Tulsa |
Denver | New Orleans | Washington DC |
Detroit | New York City | West Palm Beach |
El Paso | Norfolk | Winston-Salem |
Grand Rapids | Oklahoma City | |
Greenville, SC | Omaha | |
Hartford-New Haven | Orlando |